It is unavoidable, the more you get old, the more it is visible on your skin !
From 35 years old, first ageing signs appear, epidermis is less supple, skin is thinner and wrinkles appear. Not only it is difficult to fight against time, but also and some agents can even amplify the situation. First regular bad habits can influence on your skin health. Tiredness, stress, overworking, unbalanced diet habits, or drinking alcohol and smoking cannot help you to keep an everlasting young skin ! Also be careful against UV, absolutely not recomended for your skin : avoid sun bathing if you don't protect your skin.
The best way to delay skin ageing is to prevent it. Go for your favourite beauty care products ! Moisturized on a daily basis, your skin rebuilds the hydro-lipidic layer which protects it from external agressive causes.
Corine de Farme advice : every day, stretch your face muscles. You will then maintain a tonic and oxygenated skin !